Tomato Leafminer

Host Plants

Tomato, eggplant, pepper

It is a species of lepidoptera with a wingspan of 10 mm. The pest multiplies rapidly in places with a Mediterranean climate and can produce 10-12 offspring per year in greenhouses. Butterflies are active at night and hide among the leaves during the day. Researches have increased the importance of the use of alternative methods to this type of control, as the pest has become immune to the pesticides as a result of the chemical struggle with the moth and the residue formed as a result of the drugs poses a big problem in export.

Type of Damage

The larvae feed on all parts of the tomato plant and can cause huge damage. Larva opens large galleries in the leaves, hollows out the inside of the stem, buds, green and mature fruits and can negatively affect the harvest at 80-100%.


The traps should be set 3 traps/ha by seedling period. Traps are counted 2 times a week. If the insects in the traps exceed 4 the control should be started.

Mass Catch

Traps are set at the rate of 4-5 pieces / decares. It helps to protect the plant from pests without the need for pesticides and without polluting the environment.

Recommended Control
Types for This Pest