Scarab Beetle

Host Plants

Almond, apple, many fruit trees including citrus, crops, vineyards, ornamental plants, some vegetables and weeds

Adults are 10 mm long, black matt colored with white spots. Larvae are manas type. Spends the winter in soil and manure piles during larval and adult stages.

Type of Damage

Adults that appear in early spring cause great damage by first eating the flowers, leaves and fruits of weeds and vegetables such as broad beans. They mate and lay their eggs in topsoil-rich soils.

After 1-2 weeks, the hatched larvae feed on the roots of weeds. They complete their development in 6-9 weeks and become pupa in a space they create in the soil. They give one offspring per year.


Overwintering adults emerge in late spring and early summer. They mate and lay eggs on days when the temperature is over 16°C.  In the Aegean region, it can produce 4-5 generations per year, and in the Mediterranean region 7-8 generations per year. The traps should be 3 traps/ha set after the trees have bloomed.

Mass Catch

The pest can give more than one offspring in a year. Therefore, when population growth is detected in monitoring traps, in September – October in citrus and in August – September in pomegranate, especially Satsuma mandarins, which are the earliest variety, and before the pomegranate varieties mature, the traps are hung at 15-20 m intervals.