Potato, tobacco, eggplant, pepper
Its body is thin and long, its wings are 5-6 mm, its antennae are longer than its body. The front wings are grayish brown, with dark brown spots on the top. The mature larva is 8-10 mm long and its head and neck are brown.
On potato, eggplant, tobacco and tomato leaves, it feeds between the two epidermises of the leaf and forms transparent cavities in the leaves. Later these transparent cavities turn brown and dry up.
The larvae emerging from the eggs laid around the pores on the potato tuber enter the tuber and open uneven galleries. These galleries, which have a hard surface, are filled with white feces.
In order to detect adult flight in the field, 2-3 traps should be hung per hectare from planting. For determine whether there is any harmfulness in the warehouses, 1 trap should be hung for a 100m2 area as of the end of March. Trap counts should be made weekly.