Peach Twig Borer

Host Plants

Peach, nectarine, almond, apricot, plum

Adult moths have light and dark gray wings. There are scales on the front of the head giving a pointed appearance. Each female can lay 80-90 eggs.

Type of Damage

The larvae of the wintering progeny damage firstly the flower or leaf buds. They pierce the sepals of the flowers by gnawing and become harmful by eating the flower ovaries. By entering the young sprouts from the tip, it causes the buds and sprouts to dry

In summer, as the freshness of the sprouts decreases, the damage to the fruits increases, preferring the fruit to the sprouts. The mode of nutrition in fruit is typical. The young larvae immediately dig under the bark in an curved form or sometimes tunnel through the fruit flesh and advance to the core.


For monitoring purposes, traps should be set at 3 traps/ha by the flowering period. Insect flight is detected by counting the traps twice a week. The control is started by choosing the appropriate method.

Mass Catch

The purpose is to catch as many butterflies as possible and prevent pests from reproducing. For this purpose, 3 traps/decares are used. The number of traps can be increased if the population is large.

Recommended Control
Types for This Pest