Codling Moth

Host Plants

Apple, pear, quince, walnut, plum, apricot, peach

Adult moths have a wingspan of 16 to 19 mm. It has in gray forewings two golden brown lines pointing towards bronze. Also its wings has very distinctive and characteristic brown oval spots. The hind wings are reddish brown and finely ciliated.

Insects mostly spend the winter in their hiding places during the adult, larval and pupal stages. As the weather starts to warm up in spring, they gradually emerged, mate and lay eggs. They can give many offspring until autumn.

Type of Damage

The larvae, which damage the fruit directly, pierce the fruit, open galleries in them, eat the fleshy parts and seeds and leave feces.


For monitoring purposes, traps should be set at 3 traps/ha by flower fall. Trap counts are carried out once a week and when insect emergence is detected, the appropriate control method should be selected.

Mass Catch

It is aimed to catch as many butterflies as possible and prevent pests from reproducing. Traps are hung so that there will be 1 trap in 3-4 trees. The number of traps can be increased according to population. Pheromones are effective for up to 45 days. When the sticky cards are covered with insects, they are replaced with a new one and the traps are renewed until the harvest.

Recommended Control
Types for This Pest